Feb 2010 04

87,000 British people suffer alcohol related glass attacks each year and instead of focusing on the root cause of alcohol related violence (like binge drinking or rage issues), the British government unveiled two new shatterproof pint glasses to combat the problem- and they say save billions a year in health care costs.  At least they are NOT plastic, because most people who like beer object to drinking it like PBR at a frat party.  They either have a thin bio-resin coating or bonds the two thin layers of glass together similar to a windshield, so they can crack but won’t become shards of glass.  It’s up to the bar if they want to use the glasses but those that choose to use them can continue to let their patrons get smashed without smashing their glasses to use as weapons.  Next up- they’ll spend millions studying feature-enhancing beer goggles to help lonely British women with multi-directional teeth get shagged on occasion.