Jun 2010 18

Bumper cars

Posted In Cars

I have finally settled on two choices for my ideal transportation- helicopter or tank.  The helicopter could propel me above the traffic, far from the idiot drivers who can’t merge or drive slow.  The tank could help me roll right over the same drivers should I decide I have no place to land my copter.  Lately it seems, every time I get behind the wheel, I’m playing defense.  My commute has become more like a jousting tournament, the Medieval Times of avoiding a sword in the form of a Ford F250 or even a butter knife transformed as a Smart car.  The car in front fakes left, goes right (into me?!?!). 

We’ve become a world of multi-tasking, juggling work, family, and friends, all while tweeting about it, yet many of these same ADHD-driven folks can’t seem to signal and make a lane change at the same time.  Really… is it so difficult to look in the rear view mirror every once in awhile?  Can you even do so without veering right or braking, or for any other reason besides fixing your hair or applying lipstick?  Try multi-tasking on the road too!  And I don’t mean applying your mascara while texting a friend for dinner plans and consuming a Big Gulp sized sugar-overloaded iced coffee drink.  Stop playing Monopoly on the road- this is The Game of Life!