More than a gearhead
Oct 2013 11

Don’t be fooled.  Just because I can swap a motor, don’t assume my cooking skills are limited to whatever I can throw in a microwave or toaster oven.  Perhaps it’s my love for craft beer that feeds my discernible flavor palate but I cook by taste (never measure) and it’s delicious; at least 99% of the time!  I present to you exhibit A. Excuse the 2 gigabit tablet camera pic- I was too hungry (er, lazy) to get something from this century.

On the right, a roasted beet, caramelized onion and garlic and parm reggiano pizza. On the left, a kale, orange, fennel, feta and sardine pizza.  Sardines?!?!?!  I know… Try ’em- they might surprise you; who doesn’t love a good salt lick?  It’s a triple threat of flavor combinations- sweet, savory, and salty.  A Founders All Day IPA  compliments both pizzas perfectly.